Meet people!
Relax with thousands of people
Relax with thousands of people
Group up with no pressure
Enjoy good company & prog
No Pressure started with a Reddit post that read: NOW FOR EU: Community for Players Too Nervous to Try Dungeons
This is the basis for our community's ethos — to enable players to enjoy World of Warcraft together without stress from players. To have fun and learn together, and do content of every difficulty level.
Join us today and find out what it's like to play with a no pressure community. If you're in the US check out WoW Made Easy - the original that inspired No Pressure.
Join us
Being part of No Pressure need not stop you from enjoying raids. Raids are organized by members throughout the week with Raid-Helper! Since the start of Dragonflight the community has organized hundreds of events, and intending hundreds more.
Normal: -Infinity/8Normal: -Infinity/8
Heroic: -Infinity/8Heroic: -Infinity/8
Mythic: -Infinity/8Mythic: -Infinity/8
Normal: 8/8Normal: 8/8
Heroic: 8/8Heroic: 8/8
Mythic: 0/8Mythic: 0/8
Normal: 8/8Normal: 8/8
Heroic: 8/8Heroic: 8/8
Mythic: 6/8Mythic: 6/8
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